Emails you receive when registering for pay-per-view (PPV) event

1. When you make the payment, you will get two emails. if they don’t arrive within minutes, refresh your inbox or check your spam folder. The first email is from PayPal ( acknowledge your payment. It will include this text: You sent a payment of €4.00 EUR to Local Streaming. 09-Sep-2017 10:23:36 IST Receipt No:???? […]

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Random stuff

Some random thoughts as they arise: The technology will take a bit of getting used to. If the game is streaming okay, it should stream okay for you – but you may need to do some tweaking. Refer to this or call us (numbers are on there) – we want to help you get on […]

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Westport OsKaRs updates

To buy your ticket for the archive of Westport OsKaRs, go HERE Here are our updates from the week just gone by… UPDATE, Wednesday, 9pm: We’ve finally got the archive retrieved – sincere apologies for the delay. Technology can make you – and it sure can break you too. What we have decided to do […]

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